Friday, June 26, 2009

Copying Chris...


1) ...can't go to bed until her parents and the Canadians pass out.
2) ...currently feels like the only adult in her home (how sad is that?!).
3) bumming over her speeding ticket.
4) ...had her day brightened by a cynic of all things. *eyebrow arch*
5) ...loves her stuffed werewolf. She named it Virginia. Get it? Virginia WOLF?
6) downloading the Fiddler soundtrack for morning listening.
7) looking forward to spending the day with John, Jayme, and Chris.
8) laughing at the fact that this is the second work day in a row that's been cancelled because of John and mines abscence.
9) ...doesn't like living in her house. But that's a given.
10) deciding what form of artificial fuel will keep her awake tomorrow? Monster, or coffee?

On the other hand, I guess most of my musings can just be positive, considering I'm having a blast working on "It's a Howl". Yeah, it's nice to have a stress-free production thrown in there with the GC stuff, but I can't wait to get back and do that either. :) I find it hard to pick which I like better. But even if I did know which, that would be my little secret alone. ;) I am making a video, Chris, if you're reading.

Whoa, don't I have to be at Hudson's in like six hours?

Good night.


  1. 6 hours.....sounds about right.....

  2. Yes...and now at 5:34, you have to be there in 2 1/2 hours... I was already horrified to note that you took the movie quote quiz at, what, 1 a.m. I read your results thinking all the while, don't you have to get up early tomorrow??? Can't WAIT to see the video. Can't wait.
